Geographic location: Santa Teresita community is located in the Cachibococha Lagoon at 23 km from Pucallpa town, Ucayali
Population: There are 285 people in the community of Shipibo of Cachibococha where 72 approximately are young children from 8 to 16 years old. In average each family has 5 members.
Basic services in the community: The community has a small medical center The basic services are:
- Public health, welfare assistance
- Family planning.
- Pre-natal care.
- Environmental issues like clean water and sanitation services.
- Malaria , TB, infectiuos disease control
- Infant mortality
- Immunizations.
Poverty levels: Shipibo is a very poor community earning a $3.00 US of salary per day.
Undernourishment levels: The level of undernourishment among young children from 8 to 16 years olds is 26%. The children suffer of parasite intestinal.
Community accessibility: This Shipibo community is two hours by bus from the main town of Pucallpa. (Through a road in terrible conditions and after a none paved section plus a half an hour of canoeing). It is located on the Cachibochoca Lagoon shore. |